They are a Community Interest Company, providing flexible logistics solutions, and a life-changing path to employment.

Not only to they provide POM with a very efficient warehouse but who they hire and how they help them is inspiring. They strive to create better futures through education, work and successful business practice.

A business born to do good, they don’t just offer hands-on training and a path back to work for those who need it, they support people in need across their community.

Learn more

AUS warehouse


Intandem is a family run merchandise and apparel business. Operating since 1995, Intandem has got years of experience in producing, warehousing & dispatching products.

Owned by POMs founder's father, therefore all the products sold in Australia are being packed by the founders family.


With 15 plus years of experience our factory are well versed in the world of cutting edge fabric absorbency technology. They are also fully certified with BSCI, ISO, SGS, Silver Clear and GOTS.

They are also a family run business with the original owners' daughter now CEO and her cousins working there too.

With 200 employees just focusing on sewing period underwear, they are a dedicated team to the product.

POM also has a close relationship with the factory CEO (coffee catch up pictured beside).

  • Here is the list of certifications and fabric technology standards that our warehouse has.

  • BSCI

    Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI Certification). The BSCI is the European social monitoring system for ethical sourcing initiated by the Brussels-based Foreign Trade Association (FTA).

  • ISO

    It is a seal of approval from a third party body that a company runs to one of the international standards developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

  • SGS

    SGS provides certification services to companies wishing to ensure that their processes, products, services, or systems comply with national and international standards and regulations.

  • Silver Clear

    SilverClear® is a highly efficient antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-odor solution for the treatment of textiles.

  • GOTS

    Ensures the organic status of textiles from the harvesting of the raw materials through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing all the way to labelling, in order to provide credible assurances to the consumer.